To improve your performance, you need to understand what
the data is telling you. Corsa’s one-click, wireless
data download system automatically shows you exactly what
happened and why. Use the included Corsa software to:
Download and display data with one mouse
Review your data using pre-configured displays or create your own easily
Overlay two or more files (or laps) for
Add gauges and graphics to understand
what the data is telling you
Display user-specified strip charts,
histograms, traction circle, event lists, etc.
Export data to other programs such as
DeBrief III, Excel or MatLab
Calculate ratios and differences using
physical relationships (gear ratios, chassis roll, clutch
slip, etc.)
All Corsa data acquisition systems come with CorsaEZ and WinCorsa Basic
software to communicate with the datalogger and display
data. Corsa offers two more advanced packages which some
users will find helpful. Click
here for a tour of WinCorsa using drag race data.
WinCorsa Basic Version:
The Basic version of WinCorsa is a powerful and easy-to-use
program tailored for the needs of amateur and pro racing
teams. It allows the user to configure the data logger,
download data, view graphs of data values vs. time, and
view exact data values using the on-screen cursor. WinCorsa
makes it easy to do the basic things every team needs to
do to use a data acquisition system. You can also view events,
traction circle, and histograms. You can view tables of
data and you can export the data to other programs.

This screen shot shows the main WinCorsa data display screen,
and you can click here
for a tour of WinCorsa using drag race data.
WinCorsa Pro Version:
The Professional version of WinCorsa does everything the
Basic version does and adds the capability to display virtual
dashboards, show X-Y charts, and calculate and display additional
channels from formulas. WinCorsa Pro is included with the
purchase of a Corsa EZ II Data Logger Professional System, or may be purchased
as an upgrade from WinCorsa Basic. Click
here for a tour of WinCorsa Pro features.
DeBrief 3:
William C. Mitchell’s DeBrief
3 software provides the features of WinCorsa Pro plus
track mapping, driver control icons, animation of vehicle
suspension and much more. This software is designed especially
for road and oval track racers. DeBrief 3 is included with
the EZ-ROAD package from Corsa Instruments, and is available
separately as well. Note: SAE Student competition teams may
receive a discount when they purchase DeBrief 3 from Bill Mitchel directly.

The DB3 software (pictured above) is designed
specifically for road and oval track racing. In addition
to the stripchart it shows many other displays that make
it easier to understand the data. These include: